Friday, December 4, 2009

Come on!!Wake up!!Answer the call of Vivekananda.....

Come On!NO one in this world knows your strength

Even yourself canot recognise the strength within you

No one knows what happens tomorrow

even you will not know what you can make it happen

Come on! Never loose hope on yourself

Move off from lazyness,believe in the hardwork

See..the light of confidence filling the room

Driving the darkness far away

Come on!It id the right time to realize the truth

get rid of the gloominess you had in the eyes

Look the Aim with Concentration

Strive to achieve it with devotion

Come on!Do are at the edge of success

Just a step away to reach it

Wake up!!Answer the call of Vivekananda

Do the work honestly ,you can conquer the world!!

Note:I wrote it 7 years back.....I like it soooo might be naive